Summerdays op unieke locatie in Zweden – trakteer jezelf op de essentie van Verbindende Communicatie

With Marianne Gothlin, Towe Widstrand en Corrylaura Van Bladel

This event was initiated from several requests from our contacts, asking for a training in Sweden. We are enthusiastic to have found the timing and place to make this happen.

We wish for some meaningful days of diving into NVC in “lightness and depth”. This event will take place in the beautiful venue Mundekulla, in southeast Sweden.  (

We invite you to practice NVC and to enjoy these days tailored to our group and participants’ needs.

For who

Maybe you know NVC well and yet find it difficult to apply with people close to you, with authorities, when there is tension, conflict or just quietness? Maybe you have experienced that more words do not mean more connection?

This is an opportunity for you who want to sharpen your skills to contribute to understanding and mutual conversations.

We welcome both you who are fairly new to NVC and you who are looking for in-depth training. As we are three trainers we can adapt to different needs and levels of learning and we all learn from each other. These days count if you are in the CNVC certification process.

What we will focus on

We would like to offer a variety of opportunities to learn about and practice the essence of NVC and its applications. Take our time to tune in to core needs and how to make them alive in our relationships.

Some of what we envision to dive into:

  • self-care
  • expressing honesty
  • listening skills

To practice using these three as possibilities for connection.

This can mean practicing

  • to go beyond self-criticism and identify core needs
  • mourning mistakes – and celebrate when things are going your way
  • developing inner self-care in language
  • transforming anger and enemy images
  • finding motivation and strength to be honest
  • listening with empathy – giving space to be in the moment
  • handle your own reactivity when listening
  • develop your personal NVC vocabulary, your “street giraffe”
  • listening when there are complaints, resistance, or silence

As a unique quality input, we have invited Fader Chris Rajendram from Sri Lanka to be with us these days. He will offer some meditations and be available for some private sessions.


We will get together in the afternoon of the 14th of August. You are welcome from 15.00 and we will have dinner together at 18.00. We will come together as a group 19.30-20.30 for an informal welcome.
We end with lunch on the 18th of August.

We plan to offer training on a shared topic in the mornings.
After lunch, there will be options for training in smaller groups, on different topics, and also for recreation, hanging out in the garden, going for a forest walk or swimming.

We will eat all meals together, all vegan, vegetarian and with no alcoholic drinks. We can also have some evening activities depending on inner and outer weather.

So we encourage you to imagine yourself being with us during these summer days, enriching yourself by combining days of learning and recreation in a warm and supportive community.

Questions about the program

Please connect with Towe, Marianne, Corrylaura


Wednesday 14-08-2024 (15:00) - Sunday 18-08-2024 (13:00)
Mundekulla Retreatcenter, 361 95 Långasjö, Kalmar Län, Sverige

!! For registrations after July 24 for the NVC summer days in Sweden August 14-18, mail directly to !!




Easy English (in small groups we can adjust to present languages)


Training fee 675€  (21% excl BTW)

Fee for lodging and food:

Varies between 370,50 euro and 567 euro (incl 12% BTW), depending on the accommodation type you choose.

For this info feel free to send an email to and we will be happy to send you the flyer with all the info and prices.

Email your preference to Nele Mestdagh at and she will make your reservation.

Upon arrival at Mundekulla, pay directly by card to the venue.


Marianne Göthlin

Marianne Göthlin

Corrylaura Van Bladel

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