Who’s training who?


Welcome to a 13-day mentoring program for those who want to share NVC in any setting, with Marianne Göthlin and Corrylaura Van Bladel.

We would like you to walk from this program empowered, prepared to share NVC with clarity and joy from being you, to make mistakes and be able to deal with any reactions; with NVC being your natural spontaneous language that you will speak with the people you meet.

For everyone that is excited about NVC and on your road to implement and share this in your personal and/or professional life. It might be that you will start as a trainer, lead a practice group, introduce NVC at your workplace or just in your family/community.

To give you an idea, in our previous groups we have had:

Trainers – HR-managers – teachers – leaders in business settings as well as from social profit areas – coaches/therapists – consultants – mediators – candidates on their way to become a certified NVC-trainer, and people strongly dedicated to NVC and here to find clarity and strength for their next steps.

So actually this program addresses everyone who wants to grow in the area of implementing and sharing NVC-values in any setting.

3 Training days with two CNVC assessors – date to be set

This is an optional training for participants who are interested in the CNVC certification process and want to learn from those holding that process. Also if you are not a candidate for certification we can highly recommend this for the specific learning opportunities. This training is open for public, more information to find on our website soon (note that this is not included in the price and needs separate registration).”

  • The principles of NVC in action! There are many ways to learn. We are excited to have found our form which strongly reflects Marshall Rosenberg´s dream for NVC, including teaching and sharing it. Therefore we emphasize a mutual process where autonomy, self-evaluation, co-creation and individuality are at the core. 
  • From an extended experience of sharing NVC, both of us more than 20 years, we look forward to sharing our expertise and skills, and weaving it together with yours. 
  • We treasure diversity and therefore dream strongly to have an international group.
  • For participants during this program we offer the possibility to be part as an observer, and learn from our main trainers in Praatkracht´s programs all over Belgium, as well in our open offerings as in in-company training.
  • And last but not least: as we are certified trainers, these training hours count for the certification procedure.
  • We want to make space for you to try out many aspects of sharing NVC in a safe and creative environment. Our focus will be on how to live and be a role-model for NVC while you share your insights and skills.
  • We look forward to co-create a supportive learning environment with you, where everybody is seen as a teacher and learner. We will share with you how we do it in our trainings and also do it together with you, in a way that reflects values such as inclusion, transparency and shared responsibility. There will be space for you, in your rhythm, without push, to make short presentations, try out your ideas… and receive feed-back from trainers and participants. We will support you to find your own teaching/sharing style with your own examples that can contribute.
  • Empathy support will be included during and in between the training days. 
  • We will use high quality materials such as worksheets, posters, flow charts, dancefloors etc.
  • Every participant will receive some visfera material included in the price (Practice book, NVC Compass, ICC card, poster).

We will cover areas such as:

  • Planning, and trying out combining content, practice and process while sharing NVC
  • Material, and practice to use it with groups (visfera, dancefloors, blabla, puppets …)
  • How to adapt the training to different groups like inhouse or public
  • Building workshops including different learning styles
  • Managing feedback and all kind of reactions
  • How to come across from a power-with attitude, also when you have an authority-function
  • Tailored deepened training on parts you choose (guilt, anger, mediation, etc).
  • Key differentiations
  • Finding your trust and strength, managing the fear of failure
  • Sharing learning activities 
  • Group decision making
  • Managing conflicts

To support co-creation, community, empathy support… each meeting we offer the possibility to arrive the afternoon/evening before we start.

We will speak English. We offer translation to Dutch/English when needed and you are also welcomed to speak in Dutch.

Corrylaura Van Bladel, Belgium, started sharing NVC in 1998, certified on the way, and now 20 years later has built an organization with a team of trainers  that offers NVC (longterm) trainings in many settings, such as health care, education, business and social profit area’s. Corrylaura is passionate about sharing NVC awareness and skills in a way that supports integration and sustainability. www.praatkracht.be

Marianne Göthlin
, Sweden, certified as CNVC trainer 1998. Marianne is sharing NVC internationally and works together with trainers in different countries. She is passionate about “living NVC” and fuel educational environments/systems with skills to live, lead and learn together from connection. For this purpose she has created pedagogical practise materials in several languages.  www.skolande.se

Corrylaura and Marianne have offered trainings together for about 10 years. Some examples are the popular deepening program “NVC in Lightness and Depth, the mentoring program Who is traning who? and the international Life-Enriching Educational Lab LEE Lab – all with a strong focus on shared power and sharing NVC as an alive, authentic process.

We ask to have attended at least 16 days of training in NVC.


  • Materials, drinks and snacks
  • Monthly Q&A’s
  • 78 training hours

Not included:

  • Lunch

It is no problem to pay in instalments

  • € 2500,00 excl. BTW
  • € 3025,00 incl. BTW

Alle data

  • Donderdag 21-11-2024 (09:30) – Zaterdag 23-11-2024 (16:00)
    Praatkracht – Huis voor Verbinding, Oude Vorstseweg 25, 2430 Eindhout
  • Zaterdag 01-02-2025 (09:30) – Maandag 03-02-2025 (16:00)
    Praatkracht – Huis voor Verbinding, Oude Vorstseweg 25, 2430 Eindhout
  • Zaterdag 15-03-2025 (09:30) – Zondag 16-03-2025 (17:00)
    Praatkracht – Huis voor Verbinding, Oude Vorstseweg 25, 2430 Eindhout
  • Zaterdag 24-05-2025 (09:30) – Zondag 25-05-2025 (17:00)
    Praatkracht – Huis voor Verbinding, Oude Vorstseweg 25, 2430 Eindhout
  • Zaterdag 16-08-2025 (09:30) – Maandag 18-08-2025 (16:00)
    Praatkracht – Huis voor Verbinding, Oude Vorstseweg 25, 2430 Eindhout
  • Laat je gemakkelijk over je heen walsen?
  • Of wals je zelf soms over anderen heen?
  • Heb je snel de indruk dat iemand je aanvalt of bekritiseert?
  • Zeg je, vaker dan je lief is, kwetsende dingen tegen de mensen die je graag ziet?
  • Verlies je jezelf soms in conflicten?
  • Zou je je mening beter willen kunnen formuleren?
  • Wil je graag opkomen voor jezelf en daarin authentiek zijn met respect voor jezelf en de ander?
  • Wil je graag je empathische vaardigheden vergroten?
  • Wil je nee leren zeggen?
  • Wil je graag ontdekken wat je (zelf)oordelen je te vertellen hebben?
  • Wil je anders omgaan met je kwaadheid (of die van een ander)?
  • Wil je ook kijken voorbij gelijk/ongelijk?

Tijdens deze introductietweedaagse nemen we onze eigen communicatie onder de loep en zoeken we vooral samen naar een communicatie voorbij het oordelen, voorbij gelijk of ongelijk, naar een communicatie waar verbinding en keuze centraal staan. Kies ik om in de energie van verwijten en oordelen te blijven hangen? Of kies ik ervoor om doorheen de gekwetstheid contact te maken met wat ik daadwerkelijk nodig hebt en van daaruit ook met wat de ander wezenlijk nodig heeft. Kies ik m.a.w. voor echt contact? Kies ik voor gelijk? Of ik kies voor geluk?

In het eerste deel krijg je inzichten in het ontstaan van geweld en conflicten, gebaseerd op de verschillende vormen en oorzaken en op de eigen (al dan niet helpende) communicatiepatronen.

In het tweede deel maak je kennis met een alternatief. We focussen zowel op het zendgedeelte (hoe druk ik mezelf uit) als op het ontvanggedeelte van communicatie (hoe luister ik), waarin verbinding met jezelf en de ander centraal staat.

We bieden niet enkel inzicht in bepaalde denkkaders en visies, maar we laten de deelnemers die vooral heel concreet ervaren via tal van oefeningen en uitwisseling.

€ 300 excl. BTW

€ 363 incl. BTW

Locatie: Praatkracht – Huis voor Verbinding, Oude Vorstseweg 25, 2430 Eindhout

  • Maandag 08-05-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Annelies Peeters
  • Maandag 15-05-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Annelies Peeters
  • Maandag 24-07-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Annelies Peeters
  • Dinsdag 25-07-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Annelies Peeters
  • Donderdag 14-09-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Corrylaura Van Bladel
    Vrijdag 15-09-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Corrylaura Van Bladel
  • Donderdag 16-11-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Silvia Platzer
  • Vrijdag 17-11-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Silvia Platzer

Locatie: Het Rustpunt, Burgstraat 116, 9000 Gent

  • Maandag 08-05-2023 (10:00–17:00) door Silvia Platzer
  • Dinsdag 09-05-2023 (10:00–17:00) door Silvia Platzer
  • Zaterdag 14-10-2023 (10:00 – 17:00) door Silvia Platzer
  • Zondag 15-10-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Silvia Platzer

Locatie: ‘t Groeihuis is: Sint-Jozefsdreef 7, 3020 Herent

  • Vrijdag 02-06-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Lien Timmermans
  • Vrijdag 09-06-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Lien Timmermans
  • Zaterdag 11-11-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Lien Timmermans
  • Zondag 12-11-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Lien Timmermans

Locatie: De (F)Luisterboom, Oscar Delguststraat 37, 9600 Ronse

  • Dinsdag 04-07-2023 (09:00–16:30) door Anniek Leroux
  • Woensdag 05-07-2023 (09:00–16:30) door Anniek Leroux
  • Zaterdag 26-08-2023 (09:00–16:30) door Anniek Leroux
  • Zondag 27-08-2023 (09:00–16:30) door Anniek Leroux
  • Vrijdag 15-12-2023 (09:00–16:30) door Anniek Leroux
  • Zaterdag 16-12-2023 (09:00–16:30) door Anniek Leroux
  • Dinsdag 13-02-2024 (09:00–16:30) door Anniek Leroux
  • Woensdag 14-02-2024 (09:00–16:30) door Anniek Leroux

Locatie: Mediv  Huis – Luikersesteenweg 83, 3500 Hasselt

  • Donderdag 19-10-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Annelies Peeters
  • Vrijdag 20-10-2023 (09:30–16:30) door Annelies Peeters

Locatie: Online – eigen gekozen locatie, zetel, bureau, bed…,

  • Maandag 06-11-2023 (19:00 – 21:30) door Annelies Peeters
  • Maandag 13-11-2023 (19:00 – 21:30) door Annelies Peeters
  • Maandag 20-11-2023 (19:00 – 21:30) door Annelies Peeters
  • Maandag 27-11-2023 (19:00 – 21:30) door Annelies Peeters
  • Maandag 04-12-2023 (19:00 – 21:30) door Annelies Peeters